I +-------+ O Vin (+) o-----+---| LM317 |---+--------------+-----o Vout (+) | +-------+ | | | | A / | | | \ R1 = 240 | | | / | ___ _|_ C1 | | +_|_ C2 |_0_| LM317 ___ .01 +-------+ ___ 1 uF | | 1 - Adjust | uF | - | |___| 2 - Output | \ | ||| 3 - Input | / R2 | 123 | \ | | | | Vin(-) o------+-------+----------------------+-----o Vout (-)For the LM317:
Equation for calculating the output voltage when R1 and R2 are known:
Vout = 1.25V * (1 + R2/R1) + Iadj * R2Where Iadj is typically in the range of 50 microamperes.