ePanorama - basic electronics components list
This page is a component list for basic electronics components
used and recommended by Tomi Engdahl. I use those components
as basic components I use when I design
small basic electronics circuits.
The components in this list are widely available in Finland
and propably most parts of Europe. I have included links
to datasheets to most of the components listed on this page.
I don't sell any of the components listed in this page.
- 2N2222 - General purpose Si-NPN transistor 60..75V 0.8A 0.5W 250MHz B>100
- 2N3055 - general purpose power transistor 100V/15A/115W, old type in TO-3 metal case, still useful in linear power supplies
- 2N3904 General purpose Si-NPN 60V 0.1A 0.625W 250MHz B>100 TO-92 plastic case, look at pinout
- 2N3906 General purpose Si-PNP 40V 0.2A 0.625W 200MHz B>100, TO-92 plastic case, look at pinout
- BC327 - General purpose Si-PNP transistor 50V 0.8A 0.625W 100MHz TO-92 plastic case
- BC337 - General purpose Si-NPN transistor 50V 0.8A 0.625W 100MHz TO-92 plastic case
- BC547 General purpose Si-NPN transistor 50V 0.1A 0.5W 300MHz TO-92 plastic case
- BC557 General purpose Si-PNP transistor 50V 0.1A 0.5W 150MHz TO-92 plastic case
- TIP41C Power transistor in TO220 case NPN 6A 100V
- 2N3819 N-channel JFET
- BF245
- BF256
- BS170 N-Channel enhancement mode field effect transistor for low voltage, low current applications (up to 500 mA)
- 1N4148 General purpose silicon diode 0.2A 75V
- 1N4007 rectifier diode 1A 1000V
Thyristors and triacs
- RC5532 Low noise dual operational amplifier
- LM741 - general purpose operational amplifier, also known as UA741
- LM324 Low Power Quad Operational Amplifier - check alse datasheet from Philips
- LM358
- LM358 Low Power Dual Operational Amplifier
- LM741 old and not very good operational amplifier, usable in non-demandign applications
- TL072 Low noise dual operational amplifier
- TL082
Regulator ICs
- 78xx series positive voltage regulators - up to 1A regulator at constant voltages (7805=5V, 7808=8V, 7812=12V, 7815=15V), includes overcurrent and therminal protection, input voltage range from output voltage + 2V to 24V, 7805 voltage regulator IC form this series for 5V output is very useful for powering your TTL logic circuits
- 79xx series voltage regulators for negative voltages - practically same specifications as 78xx series but for negative voltages
- L200CH adjustable voltage and curren regulator IC 2.9-36V, adjustable overcurrent protection, PENTAWATT case, check pinout and designer's guide and download datasheet
- LM 317 three pin variable voltage regulator for 1.2V to 37V and up to 1.5A range
Interfacing ICs
- MAX232 - very useful and easy to use RS-232 transmitter and receiver using single +5V power supply from Maxim
Logic ICs
- 4N25 optoisolator, CTR=20% (CTR=current transfer ratio), check pinout
- 4N37 optoisolator, CTR=100%
- 6N138 optoisolater with split Darlington output, Vcc = 18 V max., 8 pin DIP, check pinout
- CNY17 optoisolator, CTR for CNY17-3 is 100%, check pinout
- MOC3023 optodiac
Other ICs
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