Resistor color codes

4 color bars

The resistor values can be read in ohm auing the following table: kultainen / hopeinen väriraita laitetaan oikeanpuolimmaiseksi ja luetaan värit vasemmalta oikealle.

Color          1.       2.       3.         4.
Black      |     0 |      0 |        - |
Brown      |     1 |      1 |        0 |
Red        |     2 |      2 |       00 |
Orange     |     3 |      3 |      000 |
Yellow     |     4 |      4 |    0 000 |
Green      |     5 |      5 |   00 000 |
Blue       |     6 |      6 |  000 000 |
Magenta    |     7 |      7 |          |
Gray       |     8 |      8 |          |
White      |     9 |      9 |          |
Gold       |       |        |    x 0.1 |     5 %
Silver     |       |        |   x 0.01 |    10 %
Reading instructions: Put the gold or silver colot bar to the right and the start reading the colors form left to right.

5 color bars

More accurate resistors have 5 color bars. To read their value in ohm use the following table:

Color         1.    2.   3.       4.       5.
Black      |   0 |   0 |   0 |       - |
Brown      |   1 |   1 |   1 |       0 |   1 %
Red        |   2 |   2 |   2 |      00 |   2 %
Orange     |   3 |   3 |   3 |     000 |
Yellow     |   4 |   4 |   4 |   0 000 |
Green      |   5 |   5 |   5 |  00 000 |
Blue       |   6 |   6 |   6 | 000 000 |
Magenta    |   7 |   7 |   7 |         |
Gray       |   8 |   8 |   8 |         |
White      |   9 |   9 |   9 |         |
Gold       |     |     |     |   x 0.1 |
Silver     |     |     |     |  x 0.01 |
Reading tip: put the accuracy color bar (brown or red) to the right and then start reading from left to right.

Resistor body color meaning

Resistor body color markings do not normally have much meanings. Sometimes they tell about the resistor's temperature coefficents which are not much of use for normal electronics experiments.

But there are two resistor body colors which you should know what they need if youre fixing some electronics circuit. Resistor body colors white and blue are used to mark non-flammable resistors and fusible resistors. If you encounter tjis type of resistor in the circuit do not replace it with normal reistor because this would cause fire danger is something goes wring in the circuit. Non-flammable resistors and fusible resisotrs are designed so that they don't catch fire when they overheat. When fusible resistor overheats it cuts the current flowing like a fuse.

Reading surface mount resistors

Surface mount resistor have three numbers: the first two digits being multiplied by the third. The third digit represents how many zeros after the first two. For example a surface mount resistor with code 1-0-5 would mean that the first two digits (1-0) would be multiplied by 5 zeros. To give the value 10 00000ohms or 1Mohm.

The same coding is also used in surface mount capacitors. Capacitor are similar to the above but the base number is pF or pico farads. eg a capacitor labeled 2-2-3 has the value of 22 000pF.

Tomi Engdahl <>