European semiconductor components are quite often marked with type code which has two letters followed by 3-4 numbers (for example BC547). The first letter tells the semiconductor material and the second tells the component type group.
A = Germanium ( Ge ) B = Silicon ( Si ) C = GalliumArsenide ( GaAs ) or other Gallium based D = IndiumAntimonide ( InSb ) R = Materials for Hall-elements and photocells
A = detector, switching or mixing diode B = capacitance diode C = small power low frequency transistor D = low frequency power transistor E = tunneling effect diode F = small power high frequency transistor G = combination of different components and components without own type group H = magnetically sensitive diodes and field sensors K = open Hall-element (detects external magnetic field) L = high frequency power transistor M = closed Hall-element N = optocoupler P = light or radiation sensing components Q = light or radioation transmitting component R = small power triggerable switching component S = small power switching transistor T = triggerable power switching component (Tristors, TRIACs etc) U = switching power transistor X = multiplication diode (varactor, step recovery diode) Y = rectifying diode or similar components Z = Zener-diode or similar components
Japanise transistors type markignn starts typically with number 2 and letter S. That starting is followed by one letter and 2 or more numbers. The letter which follows 2S markings tells what type of transistor it is:
A = PNP small power general purpose B = PNP power C = NPN small power general purpose D = NPN power J = P-channel fet K = N-channel fet