From: steveq@syd.dms.CSIRO.AU (Stephen Quigg) Newsgroups: sci.electronics Subject: Re: VGA startup board/monitor sync? Date: 14 May 91 23:06:07 GMT Organization: CSIRO Maths and Stats & Applied Physics, Sydney, AustraliaThe VGA board tells the monitor what to expect by the polarity of the horiz. and vert. sync signals. Here's what an NEC MultiSync 2A sets up to.
Vert Res. Horiz Freq H Sync Vert Freq V Sync Polarity Polarity 350 lines 31.5 kHz pos 70.07 Hz neg 400 lines 31.5 kHz neg 70.07 Hz pos 480 lines 31.5 kHz neg 59.95 Hz neg 600 lines 35.2 kHz pos 56.24 Hz posYour problem is probably one of the following; 1. You are trying a mode your monitor won't support. 2. Your monitor is out of adjustment. 3. Your monitor is faulty. Possibly, the card or monitor is not "playing the rules", eg monitor expects one set of sync rates according to the sync polarities, and the card is sending out another (unlikely but...)
From: Newsgroups: sci.electronics Subject: Re: VGA monitors Date: 22 May 91 01:49:05 GMT Organization: The Portal System (TM)Mike Diack asked about VGA monitors.
Mike, I don't know if this is related to your problem or not, but IBM monitors have 3 pins dedicated to a "monitor ID" code, which is available to the VGA (or 8514/A or XGA) card, and also to the software. OS/2 uses it, for example, to automatically install the correct display support. The code:
PIN 4 PIN 11 PIN 12 Meaning n/c n/c n/c No monitor attached n/c n/c GND Mono monitor with no support for 1024x768 n/c GND n/c Color monitor with no support for 1024x768 GND GND n/c Color monitor with support for 1024x768Maybe your projector is not providing the code to tell the VGA that it is there. If so, you can try modifying the plug.
DISCLAIMER: I know this works for some Sony monitors, which support 1024x768 but don't provide the proper code to the PS/2, so they come up in 640x480. By changing the plug, the system sees the monitor as high-res-capable, and configures itself for 1024x768. Whether grounding pins in your plug will your projector, however, I can't say (although I doubt it).
Good luck.
Jay Keller
From: (Dominic H Goode) Newsgroups:,comp.sys.ibmpc.misc,sci.electronics Subject: VGA Feature Connector Date: 12 Apr 93 22:59:42 GMT Organization: Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.1 PL8]Does anyone know how the VGA video feature connector operates? I would like to know which of the pins are inputs, which are outputs, and which are bidirectional (if any - and how the direction is selected).
I have found a pinout for the connector:
Pin Name Function 1 PD0 Dac Pixel data bit 0 2 PD1 bit 1 3 PD2 bit 2 4 PD3 3 5 PD4 4 6 PD5 5 7 PD6 6 8 PD7 7 9 - Dac Clock 10 - Dac Blanking 11 - Horizontal Sync 12 - Vertical Sync 13 - Ground 14 - Ground 15 - Ground 16 - Ground 17 - Select Internal Video 18 - Select Internal Sync 19 - Select Internal Dot Clock 20 - Not Used 21 - Ground 22 - Ground 23 - Ground 24 - Ground 25 - Not Used 26 - Not UsedAnd I assume that pins 1 - 12 are outputs, and 17 - 19 are inputs. Is this correct?
The reason is this - I have a Rombo Media Pro+ video digitising card. It chroma keys its output into the vga monitor signal. However, although it is supposed to work with an ET-4000 with Hi-colour RAMDAC, the colours on screen behave as if the top 2 bits of colour information are missing, and red, green, blue signals are swapped around. Rombo has suggested that this may be due to insufficient buffering on the feature connector outputs, and is happy to sell me a buffer device for 50 pounds. I would rather save about 45 pounds, and build my own. I assume it would require (for example) a 74F244 buffer IC (or two).
Can anyone help? Any information on the feature connector would be highly appreciated!
Please could you reply by email :
pin function 1 PD0 (DAC pixel data bit 0) 2 PD1 (DAC pixel data bit 1) 3 PD2 (DAC pixel data bit 2) 4 PD3 (DAC pixel data bit 3) 5 PD4 (DAC pixel data bit 4) 6 PD5 (DAC pixel data bit 5) 7 PD6 (DAC pixel data bit 6) 8 PD7 (DAC pixel data bit 7) 9 DAC clock 10 DAC blanking 11 Ext. horizontal sync 12 Ext. vertical sync 13 Ground
pin function 1 Ground 2 Ground 3 Ground 4 Select Internal Video 5 Select Internal Syncs 6 Select Internal DAC 8..11 Ground
VESA DPMS is a monitor power managament standard designed for green PC concept. VESA DPMS defines method how a screen saver program can put monitor to power save state when it blanks the screen. The signalling to monitor is handled using normal monitor sync signals: screen saver can turn one of sync signals (or both) off and the monitor knows from this that it must turn to power save mode.
VESA DPMS power states: NORMAL STANDBY SUSPENDED OFF H-sync On Off On Off V-sync On On Off Off Power level 100% 80% <30W <8W Recovery time N/A ~1 sec ~4 sec ~8-20 sec
NUTEK is a Swedish standard for monitor power management so that screen saver program can turn monitor to power save mode when computer is not used for a while. NUTEK works using the following pronciple: when the picture signa coming to the monitor has been totally black for lomg enough, the monitor turns to power save mode. When there is other than just black coming to monitor, then the monitor turns back to normal operation.
This list is not complete list of SuperVGA modes standardized by VESA. For complete documentation check VESA VBE standard.
--------V-104F02----------------------------- INT 10 - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - SET SuperVGA VIDEO MODE AX = 4F02h BX = mode bit 15 set means don't clear video memory Return: AL = 4Fh function supported AH = status 00h successful 01h failed SeeAlso: AX=4F01h,AX=4F03h Values for VESA video mode: 00h-FFh OEM video modes (see AH=00h) 100h 640x400x256 101h 640x480x256 102h 800x600x16 103h 800x600x256 104h 1024x768x16 105h 1024x768x256 106h 1280x1024x16 107h 1280x1024x256 108h 80x60 text 109h 132x25 text 10Ah 132x43 text 10Bh 132x50 text 10Ch 132x60 text ---VBE v1.2--- 10Dh 320x200x32K 10Eh 320x200x64K 10Fh 320x200x16M 110h 640x480x32K 111h 640x480x64K 112h 640x480x16M 113h 800x600x32K 114h 800x600x64K 115h 800x600x16M 116h 1024x768x32K 117h 1024x768x64K 118h 1024x768x16M 119h 1280x1024x32K 11Ah 1280x1024x64K 11Bh 1280x1024x16M Index: video modes Values for S3 OEM video mode: 201h 640x480x256 202h 800x600x16 203h 800x600x256 204h 1024x768x16 205h 1024x768x256 206h 1280x960x16 208h 1280x1024x16 211h 640x480x64K (Diamond Stealth 24X) 212h 640x480x16M (Diamond Stealth 24X) 301h 640x480x32K