Program for reading telephone cards

         Dear Mr ,

         I have read your HOW_CHIP file (FTP.FUNET.FI:pub/doc/telecom/phonecard)
         I solved the problem in the following way:
         (Assembly for IBM PC)

         page 60,132
         ;Connecting of the card-reader:
         ;OUT(2)--> -BUSY(11)       8 7 6 5
         ;Vcc(5)-->  DATA7(9)       | | | |
         ;GND(4)-->  GND(18-25)      \   /
         ;Vpp(3)-->  DATA6(8)        /   \\
         ;WE(6) -->  DATA2(4)       | | | |
         ;CK(7) -->  DATA0(2)       1 2 3 4
         ;-RE(8)-->  DATA1(3)
         ;The left side -the appropriate pinout and the number of the card
         ;The right side -the appropriate pinout and the number of the printer
kod      segment
         assume cs:kod,ds:kod,es:kod
         org 0100h
         call cls
         call home
         mov ah,9
         lea dx,bejel
         int 21h
         lea dx,portcim
         mov ah,9
         int 21h
         call ktilt
         push ds
         xor ax,ax
         mov ds,ax
         lea di,portc
lpttest: mov ah,7
         int 21h
         cmp al,1bh
         jz escv
         cmp al,'1'
         jz lpt1
         cmp al,'2'
         jz lpt2
         cmp al,'3'
         jz lpt3
         jmp lpttest
escv:    jmp vege
lpt1:    mov si,0408h
         jmp lptk
lpt2:    mov si,040ah
         jmp lptk
         pop ds
         mov ah,9
         lea dx,nemelo
         int 21h
         mov ax,91
         call ido
         jmp start
lpt3:    mov si,040ch
         mov cx,1
         cmp ax,0
         jz nemel
         pop ds
         mov ax,cs
         mov ds,ax
         mov ah,9
         lea dx,filen
         int 21h
         call keng
         lea dx,neve
         mov ah,0ah
         int 21h
         call ktilt
         lea ax,neve+2
         mov si,ax
folyt:   lodsb
         cmp al,13
         jnz folyt
         mov ax,si
         mov di,ax
         dec di
         mov al,0
         mov ah,3ch
         lea dx,neve+2
         mov cx,0
         int 21h
         jnc nyitva
         mov ah,9
         lea dx,fhiba
         int 21h
         jmp vege
         push ax

         lea si,portc
         mov cx,1
         mov dx,ax
         mov al,0
         out dx,al
         lea dx,uzen
         mov ah,9
         int 21h
         mov ah,7
         int 21h
         mov ah,9
         lea dx,uzenn
         int 21h
         lea si,portc
         mov cx,1
         mov dx,ax
         mov al,10000000b
         out dx,al
         mov ax,10
         call ido
         mov al,11000000b
         out dx,al
         mov bx,0
         mov al,11000001b
         out dx,al
         and al,0c0h
         out dx,al
         inc dx
         in al,dx
         rol al,1
         not al
         and al,1
         add al,30h
         mov dl,al
         mov ah,2
         int 21h
         mov al,dl
         mov dx,cx
         mov cx,1
         lea di,bajt
         mov cx,dx
         pop ax
         push bx
         push cx
         mov bx,ax
         mov cx,1
         lea dx,bajt
         mov ah,40h
         int 21h
         mov ax,bx
         pop cx
         pop bx
         push ax
         inc bl
         lea si,portc
         mov cx,1
         mov dx,ax
         mov cx,255
         mov al,11000010b
         out dx,al
kerek:   mov al,11000011b
         out dx,al
         and al,0c2h
         out dx,al
         inc dx
         in al,dx
         rol al,1
         not al
         and al,1
         add al,30h
         mov dl,al
         mov ah,2
         int 21h
         mov al,dl
         mov dx,cx
         mov cx,1
         lea di,bajt
         mov cx,dx
         pop ax
         push bx
         push cx
         mov bx,ax
         mov cx,1
         lea dx,bajt
         mov ah,40h
         int 21h
         mov ax,bx
         pop cx
         pop bx
         push ax
         inc bl
         cmp bl,8
         jnz kerek1
         mov dl,' '
         mov ah,2
         int 21h
         mov bl,0
         inc bh
         cmp bh,8
         jnz kerek1
         call enter
         mov bx,0
         push cx
         lea si,portc
         mov cx,1
         mov dx,ax
         pop cx
         loop kerek
         pop ax
         mov bx,ax
         mov ah,3eh
         int 21h
         lea si,portc
         mov cx,1
         mov dx,ax
         mov al,0
         out dx,al
         call keng
         mov ah,4ch
         int 21h
bejel:   db 'This is a programme for reading phonecards. ver.:1.01 ',10,13
         db 'Connecting the card to the right hardware '
         db 'you can save the contents of the ROM.',10,13
         db 9,9,9,9,'-eri-',10,10,10,13
         db '$'
portcim: db 7,'Which port do you want to use?'
         db '1.-->LPT1:   2.-->LPT2:   3.-->LPT3:',10,13,'$'
filen:   db 'Give the device or file name and the path:$'
uzen:    db 10,13,'Insert the card! (press any key to continue...)',7,10,13,'$'
uzenn:   db 10,'The binary contents of the card (from 0 to 255):',10,13,'$'
nemelo:  db 7,13,10,10,'There isnot such a parallel port in this computer!'
         db 7,13,10,'$'
fhiba:   db 7,10,13,'You couldnot open the file...',7,10,13,'$'
portc:   dw 0000h
neve:    db 40 dup(255)
bajt:    db 0a5h
home:    mov dx,0
         call kurpoz
ktilt:   push cx
         push ax
         mov cx,0e00h
         mov ah,1
         int 10h
         pop ax
         pop cx
keng:    push cx
         push ax
         mov cx,0607h
         mov ah,1
         int 10h
         pop ax
         pop cx
kurpoz:  push ax
         push bx
         mov bh,0
         mov ah,2
         int 10h
         pop bx
         pop ax
enter:   push dx
         push ax
         mov dx,offset entr
         mov ah,9
         int 21h
         pop ax
         pop dx
entr     db 10,13,'$'
ido:     push dx
         push ds
         push ax
         mov ax,0
         mov ds,ax
         pop ax
         mov dx,(DS:046ch)
         add ax,dx
ko%r:    mov dx,(DS:046ch)
         cmp ax,dx
         jnz ko%r
         pop ds
         pop dx
cls:     push ax
         push bx
         push cx
         push dx
         xor al,al
         xor cx,cx
         mov dh,24
         mov dl,79
         mov bh,7
         mov ah,6
         int 10h
         pop dx
         pop cx
         pop bx
         pop ax
kod      ends
         end start

The structure of the Hungarian phonecard is the next:

          Memory Map for cards from Hungary:

Bytes       Bits      Binary     Hexa

  1        1 --> 8  |           |     |
  2       9 --> 16  | 1000 0011 | $83 | ---> hungary card
  3      17 --> 24  |           |     |
  4      25 --> 32  |           |     |
  5      33 --> 40  |           |     |
  6      41 --> 48  |           |     |
  7      49 --> 56  |           |     |
  8      57 --> 64  |           |     |
  9      65 --> 72  |           |     |
 10      73 --> 80  | 0000 0011 | $03 | ---> 120 units card
                    | 0000 1010 | $0A | --->  50 units card
 11      81 --> 88  | 0001 0001 | $11 |
 12      89 --> 96  |           |     |
 13-32  97 --> 256  |           |     | ---> The units area: each time a unit
                    |           |     |      is used, then a bit is set to "1";
                    |           |     |      Generaly the first ten units are
                    |           |     |      fused in factory as test.
                    |           |     |
                    |           |     |
                    |           |     |


Yours sincerely:

            Racz Istvan

