Digital Signal Processing Page
- Articles, Papers, and Presentations by BDTI Authors - good collection of DSP articles
- Benchmarking Real-Time Operating Systems for Digital Signal Processing - designers are seeking to increase efficiency by migrating larger and larger portions of their applications to the DSP, sometimes eliminating the host controller altogether
- Digital Signal Processors vs. Universal Microprocessors - European DSP Education and Research Conference paper in pdf format
- comp.dsp FAQ - FAQs (Frequently asked questions with answers) on Digital Signal Processing
- FAQs (Frequently asked questions with answers) on Digital Signal Processing - world-wide web version of the comp.dsp FAQ
- How to Select an Audio CODEC
- Introduction to DSP - first module of the BORES Signal Processing DSP course - Introduction to DSP
- Introduction to DSP MIPS, MOPS and Mflops
- IRCAM Scientific and Musical Articles - acoustics articles
- Poynton's Digital Signal Processing Resource List - FIR Filter Design Software
- Signal Processing - includes DSP FAQ
- Signal Processing Information Base (SPIB) - information repositories of data, papers, software, newsgroups, bibliographies, links to other repositories, and addresses
- The Colors of Noise - what are white noise, pink noise and other noise colors
- The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing - web site of the book, includes some chapters from the book about filtering, spectral analysis and data compression, also DSP programs and files
- Active Noise Control FAQ
- An Introduction to Noise Reduction
- Companding systems used in telephone PCM systems - A-law and mu-law explained
- Computer speech compression techniques - comp.speech.FAQ, speech data, software
- DSP56000 Articles - filtering, coodecs, controllers
- DSP Solutions for Data/Facsimile Modems - application note from Texas Instruments, includes info on many usefula algoriths
- GSM 06.10 lossy speech compression
- Guitar Effects FAQ
- Guitar amplifier simulation discussion
- Harmony Central Effects Resources
- How Dolby Stereo (aka Dolby Surround) works - and how to make your own surround sounds using your soundcard
- How Vocoders Work
- Implementation of a High-Quality Dolby Digital Decoder Using MMX Technology - includes basic introduction to Dolby Digital decoding
- Introduction to Digital Filters - introductory chapter from The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
- Introduction to Signal Processing book page - book discusses algorithms for digital audio effects, this pages has all code found in the book!
- Lake DSP Papers - reverberation and equalization
- Paul Browning'sAudio Digital Signal Processing Page - lots of audio algorithm descriptions
- Sampled sound processors - information on delay, pitch change, reverberation and digital filters
- Time/Pitch Scaling FAQ/References Page - how to pitch of a signal without changing its length, check also On the Importance of Formants in Pitch Shifting
- Speech Coding - principles involved in speech coding and details of commonly used coders
- The use of multirate filter banks for coding of high quality digital audio - paper by Th. Sporer, K. Brandenburg, and B. Edler (postscript), describes the filterbank used in MP3 and gives an algorithm for a fast implementation of the MDCT
- What is ADPCM? Where can I get source for it ?
Signal analysing
Image and video
- AVDS & Sensor Lab Publications - papers on 3D stereoscopic imaging, visual inspection, compression, motion estimation
- Data Compression - introductory chapter from The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing, covers RLE, Huffman, Delta encoding, LZW, DCT, JPEG and MPEG
- Digital Image Processing (DIP) with Khoros 2 - hands-on approach to Image Processing through an extensive number of experiments
- Image Proecessing tutorials - median filtering, compression, TI DSPs
- JAVA FIR Filter Applet - interactive tool for experimenting with a fundamental area of image processing, demonstrate the many different types of FIR filter kernels, and their use in image processing
- JPEG image compression FAQ - read also part 2
- MPEG FAQ - MPEG Informations, Questions and Answers
- MPEG video compression technique - a brief discussion
- The Block Discrete Cosine Transform - widely used transform in image compression
- The implementation of the IDCT by means of the IDFT
- Tomi Engdahl's computer graphics web page - very many useful links to computer graphics information
Sound libraries
- Common Music - music synthesis and signal processing package written primarily in Common Lisp
- Csound - sound and music library written in C
- Intel Performance Library - includes a Signal Processing Library, a Recognition Primitives Library, an Image Processing Library, and a Math Kernel Library
- Sound Processing Kit - object-oriented class library for audio signal processing implemented in C++
Audio codecs
- CCITT-ADPCM codec source codes
- Complete win32 mp3 player with sources in C++
- Source code for the G.72x codecs
- Source code for audio codecs in C - ADPCM, G.72x, LPC, GSM, CELP
- Speech Related Software - G.711, G.721 - G.723, LPC-10, GSM, CELP, VSELP, G.728, Shorten, Speech Synthesis and Recognition
Misc routines
Tomi Engdahl <>
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