Infrared remote control technology
General info
Build a remote controller
Transmitter and receiver combinations
Misc circuits
Computer interfaces
Combined receiver and transmitter circuits
- Girder - program that receives the codes from the Universal Infrared Receiver (UIR) or the IRman and translates them into actions in your Windows computer
- Infra Red (IR) Interface with Windows CD Software - use infrared technology to remotely control a CD-ROM drive with an audio CD
- Infrared Remote Control Of Your PC Is Easy! - simple device that connected to the computer serial-port enables the reception of infrared codes emitted from any commercial remote control unit and with a little Windows program the computer learns to recognize sequences and simulates key pressing or executes a program
- IRAssistant - shareware software for controlling your PC remotely, can emulate mouse actions, launch applications and send command sequences (macros) with an ordinary remote controller, can be used with many different IR receiving modules, for example with populat Evation Irman infrared receiver (or compatible), works also with joystick or GSM-SMS
- Modified version of computer IR receiver published in MikroBitti
- PC Remote Control - software that lets you remotely control your computer from the serial port (RS-232), works with many IR receivers
- Receiver Circuits - wiring IR modules to PC serial port
- Universal Infrared Receiver - a small (1x2x1 inch) device that allows you to control your PC with the remote from your TV, VCR, CD or Stereo, based on PIC 12C509, connects to RS-232 port, also version for PIC 16C84
Product information
- The InfraRexx Project - a free hardware and software project that allows your Amiga to control external devices and vice versa, via infrared signals
Control protocols
Related pages
Tomi Engdahl <>
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