Video broadcasting technology page


Digital TV

TV channel frequencies

Cable TV

Satellite TV

Video protection systems

Cable and satellite TV protection is designed to protect the broadcaster's program material so that only the people who pay for viewing those protected channels can view them. Owning and/or using your own video protection decoding circuit is illegal in many countries. Just building your own cable decoder box is also not a generally good idea, beachus there are tens of different cable decoding box systems and many different protections schemes in use, so every cable decoder plan works only on a very limited number of cable TV networks and it is hard to get to know which cable TV decoder works in which network unless you build and test. And there is no guarantee that any of the circuits below has worked well in any cable TV network. Basically those following circuit have only informational value to electronics hackers who are interrested in cable TV decoding electronics.

Tomi Engdahl <>

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