Tomi Engdahl's computer hardware projects page
Most of the following projects are just links to project on other sites
and I don't have more information on those circuits which are not in my site.
Other related pages in this site
Data formats
Programmer/reader circuits
EPROM emulators
Other programmers
- 8086 Single Board Computer (SBC)
- Advantages of using AC termination - embedded electronics is for low power consumption
- Break Reset - circuit to reset microprocessor when computer sends BREAK signal to serial line
- comp.arch.hobbyist FAQ
- Car computer - for almosr all cars to control motor, locs and more, text in Finnish
- CS/A65 Gecko Computer - based on the 6502 CPU
- Connecting IDE Devices to 8-bit Machines
- Digital Systems Design Checklist
- DRAM Interfacing - 74 page white paper in zipped poscript file, for more info take a look at the readme file, from Darrens Odds & Sods page
- Dunfield Devellopment System Distribution Files - tools and microprocessor based designs
- Free Singlechip group - microcontroller articles, information and construction projects
- Information on DRAM interfacing, by Tim Olmstead
- The Handy Board - 68HC11, IR, LCD, motor control
- MC68HC11 Single Board Computer - 465k pdf file, circuit designed by Joel T. Retanan
- Microprocessor Serial Port Break-Reset Circuit
- MS-1 Home Designed Computer
- Computer Demolition : Understanding about Technology - demystifies Technology by having kids disassemble and explore older Personal Computers
- Interfacing the PC - a free on-line tutorial on connecting anything electronic to your PC using common interfaces such as the Serial and Parallel Ports
- Kiarchive PC Hardware documentation - hdd, modem, PCI, soundcard, video
- PCKits Tutorials - power sources, parallel port, joystick port, serial port, ISA bus
- PC parallel port interfacing documents - basics, ADC, DAC, LCD, disk drive, stepper motor
- ROMable i86 code with Turbo C
- Tomi Engdahl's PC interfaces page - information on PC I/O interfaces
A/D and D/A conversion
Controlling applications
Interfacing to computer hardware through parallel port
ADC and DAC circuits
Serial line monitoring
Serial to parallel conversion
Tomi Engdahl <>
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