PC Interfaces


General information

Serial port

Standard PC serial ports come in to versions: 9 pin and 25 pin one. The functions of those both version are exactly the same, only different kind of connectors and different pinout. If you need to convert from one version to other you can do it easily just bu buying a suitable adapter from your local computer shop. PC serial port is nowadays usually used for interfacing your PC to your modem or mouse. Original PC serial port was designed to operate up to 19.2 kbit/s (maximum speed defined in RS-232C standard) but nowadays they can typically go up to 115.2 kbit/s (some special cards can do even faster than that).

Parallel port

PC parallel port was originally desingned for connecting your PC to a parallel printer which has Centronics interface. Nowadays the this same port is used for interfacing lots of different kind of peripherals to PCs (scanners, Zip-drives, backup tapes, network adapters). To make the interfacing more efficent the technology has evolved during years. Nowadays paralle port can handle many different operating modes like SPP, ECP and EPP.

IRDA infrared link

IrDa is an infrared data link standard for short distances. First versio runs uo to 115.2 kbit/s but newer versions can handle speeds up to 4 megabits/s. Many modern PC motherboards have nowadays interface for IrDA module (IR transmitter and receiver). There is some general information on IrDA interface below, including pinouts of IrDA connectors in some motheraboards. What lacks is a schematics of suitable IrDA module which could be connected to PC motherboard with IrDA connector.

New serial interfaces

PC controlling devices

PC keyboard

PC mouse and other pointing devices

PC joysticks and other game controllers

Tomi Engdahl <Tomi.Engdahl@iki.fi>

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